now available

Le Grand Incendie : Visa d’or à Perpignan

August 2014

Trailer officiel (english version) En ligne depuis le 17 décembre 2013 sur En partenariat avec & FTVinfo. Sélection officielle: IDFA DocLab 2013, Sheffield Doc/Fest 2014, WebProgram Festival 2014, Visa pour l’Image 2014 et Prix Europa 2014. Présentation spéciale au Sunny Side 2014. En France, depuis 2011, tous les quinze jours, une personne s’est [...]

Rapporteur de crise: with &

March 2011

>>> ONLINE SCREENER Synopsis (English) Since the global financial breakdown, the EU has to tackle the consequences of a crisis that is far from over and that puts the political and social cohesion of Member States and the currency union at risk. Faced with this emergency, what can MEPs do to reverse the trend? This [...]

iROCK: Now Available on

May 2010

Check it out here (french & english version) Special screening: > IDFA Doclab, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – November 20-25, 2010 An interactive journey around the backstage of one of the biggest rock festivals in Europe A webdocumentary shot on location at Eurockéennes in Belfort, France. In all there are 18 journeys, one for each of [...]

The Challenge: Now Available On

February 2010

Now online on (french version) Presentation From the heart of the international campaign, impassioned individuals at the centre of a thrilling political battle for our planet. The Challenge is an environmental global media adventure. It is combination of two films made for two mediums which complement one another showing different aspects of the same [...]

The Big Issue: A Web Documentary on the Obesity Epidemic

October 2009

>> VOIR LE WEBDOC (Version Française) >> WATCH IT HERE (English Version) Special screenings, conferences and awards: > IDFA Doclab, Amsterdam, The Netherlands – November 20, 2009 > Festival des 4 Ecrans, Paris, France – November 20, 2009 (IN COMPETITION for “web films”) > European Doc Days, Torino, Italy – November 12, 2009 > Sheffield [...]

Voyage au bout du charbon / Journey to the End of Coal

November 2008


Le Grand Incendie

by Samuel Bollendorff & Olivia Colo with France Televisions

Rapporteur de crise

by Samuel Bollendorff & Olivia Colo
with &


by Lionel Brouet

Le Challenge

by Laëtitia Moreau
with CANAL+

The Big Issue

by Samuel Bollendorff & Olivia Colo
with france 5

Journey to the End of Coal

by Samuel Bollendorff & Abel Ségrétin