Watch project demo (private)
Shot by local filmmakers from across the globe whose stories crisscross and interconnect, BOOMTOWN BABYLON invites you to embark on a singular ride from dawn until dusk in today’s new urban communities, exploring the worldwide phenomenon of urbanization.
Through unique local perspectives, Boomtown Babylon will open the eyes of new audiences to the challenges of both today and tomorrow, as the dynamic and chaotic cities of the developing world begin to boom, while the global North becomes a homogenous suburb peppered with poverty.
About the creative team
Lotje Sodderland, Author, Co-director of the series
Lotje Sodderland currently works as an interactive producer-director, creating non-linear, non-fiction web content in collaboration with agencies such as Submarine in Amsterdam or Mother in London. She also writes about transformative digital culture for diverse online and print publications. Previously she was director and co-founder of Maxalot Gallery, commissioning digital and interactive art exhibitions with genre pioneers such as Joshua Davis, Universal Everything, and The Designers Republic in Amsterdam, Barcelona and New York. / Twitter
Mathieu Saura, aka Vincent Moon, creative director of the series
Co-creator of the Take Away shows (Les concerts à emporter), Vincent Moon is well-known for exploring new documentary formats. He directed a movie-essay on New York band The National, ‘A skin, A night’, released in May 2008, toured with The Arcade Fire and worked closely with Michael Stipe and REM on several video and web projects related to their 2008 album : the 48minutes essay ‘SIX DAYS’, experimental documentary on the recording of ‘Accelerate’, the experimental ninety-days-long web project ’90nights’, and the web music video ‘Supernatural Superserious’. / Twitter
Genre: Web documentaryProduction: Honkytonk Films
Interactive editing powed by Klynt ®
Project status: in development
With the support from MEDIA Fund Interactive and CNC new media
More information: Read the shooting diary of the pilote on